Our Values
We act, we care, we love. The Somerset Foundation exists to provide community essentials for the world’s most vulnerable people—those who are displaced due to environmental disasters, economic changes and armed conflict.
We act, we care, we love. The Somerset Foundation exists to provide community essentials for the world’s most vulnerable people—those who are displaced due to environmental disasters, economic changes and armed conflict.
The Somerset Foundation is a non-profit organization founded to provide relief to people in poverty stricken areas around the world. Our purpose and our past activities before forming Somerset Foundation have been designed to help the needy including orphans, widows, broken hearted, those people with financial, physical and spiritual needs nationally and internationally. We have been building an educational environment, providing educational assistance to those who on their own cannot financially or emotionally make it.
Join us in making in impact as we build self-sustaining communities. With your help we can provide food, clean water, hygiene kits, heaters, stoves, blankets and other basic provisions for immediate humanitarian relief. Everyone in this world matters. Change starts with one.